There are many reasons why you would buy a used portraits card. First and important, the financial savings, of course. With the mining madness now over, we have been given the opportunity of buying photographs playing cards at the reasonably-priced because of each extra stock and customers simply doing away with hardware that is not excellent for mining cryptocurrencies. This beyond era of GPUs also acquired a miles longer than anticipated life cycle, which means you are not getting overly vintage GPUs, however fairly serviceable gaming hardware.

To set used pix card pricing we have checked out completed eBay listings from all of December, working out the first-rate snap shots card buys right now. Thousands of sales had been tallied up and that's the information we used to estimate our common sale fee, for you to then permit us to calculate a value consistent with frame degree.

For checking out body charge performance we selected games which have proven to be fairly neutral, now not favoring either GPU logo. We took one among our massive 30+ recreation benchmarks and looked for titles where the 1060 3GB and RX 5eighty, along with the GTX 1070 and Vega fifty six, delivered a similar degree of performance. This lead us to choose Battlefield 1, F1 2017 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, all of which had been tested the usage of DX11 with the medium pleasant preset at 1080p.

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Frame quotes for all images playing cards were better in Battlefield 1 and F1 2017, while they were approximately 35% lower in Tomb Raider, so this brought on some problems for the lower-cease fashions.

Still, we sense this is a superb unfold of what you may expect from modern-day games using mild great settings.

Looking at GeForce GPUs first, the GTX 560 and 560 Ti have been basically not able to play those modern titles at 1080p while on the opposite stop of the scale we have the GTX 1080 Ti miles out in the front because it’s roughly equal to the brand new RTX 2080.

Using medium great presets inside the 3 tested titles, we're looking for ~60 fps on common. Gamers can escape with as a touch as a GTX 950, 760, 1050, 960, 670 or manifestly some thing that become quicker.

For the Radeon GPUs we see Vega fifty six and 64 well out in the front at the same time as the preceding technology Fury GPUs had been honestly only just able to side out the RX 580. We see robust overall performance from the R9 290, 390 and RX 570, as well as anything located above them at the graph. For around 60 fps, the HD 7870 or the refreshed 270X will work while the HD 7950, R9 280, 380 and quicker could be extra than ok the use of mid-range nice settings.

The performance numbers by way of themselves are rather beneficial as they let you quickly determine what’s nevertheless really worth shopping for. Now it’s time to peer what every version sells for on average, how many were offered at auction in December, and how they compare in terms of rate vs. Overall performance.

The statistics under is arranged via the average frame fee, with the GTX 580 1080 Ti presenting the fastest overall performance so it is shown at the pinnacle of the chart. Next to the GPU model call we've got the common promoting fee in December, within the case of the GTX 1080 Ti that price is $618. Then in the darker gray discipline we have the number of successful auctions, ignoring any faulty products being sold as elements. In the case of the 1080 Ti we see there had been 715 secondhand models offered ultimate month, so your probabilities of snagging one for around the average promoting rate is right.

At $618, the GTX 1080 Ti expenses $2.32 per body (based on the records from our three game average). That makes it one of the maximum pricey models in fee phrases, however it’s also by using a long way the quickest, in order that premium can be justified. With the RTX 2080 currently selling for its $seven hundred MSRP, you really need to spend well beneath $600 on a used 1080 Ti to make it a great buy. We discovered quite some fashions for around $550, and even noticed one which sold for as little as $415, so there are deals to be had. Still, it’s surprising what number of bought for close to or maybe over $seven-hundred remaining month. Anyway, at $415 the GTX 1080 Ti comes out at simply $1.fifty six in keeping with body, and $2 at according to body at $532. So experience unfastened to make your own calculations primarily based at the pricing on your vicinity.

For those after a excessive-end bargain the GTX 1080 is worth searching into. The 1070 Ti’s are arguably higher cost but in December there have been many more 1080s on sale. The common promoting fee was $372 however pretty a few sold in the direction of $three hundred. Even on the common selling price, the GTX 1080 comes out at a fee of just $1.84 consistent with body and that’s fantastic relative value as compared to other high-end GPUs, specifically considering there have been so a lot of them to be had.

Those looking for a extra low priced 1440p experience, getting a secondhand GTX 1070 or Vega 56 is the manner to go. That said, your possibilities of landing a GeForce pictures card are nearly seven instances higher. The 980 Ti: Ti also seems to be notable value, though there have been most effective approximately as a lot of the ones for sale as there had been Vega 56s.

For over 100 fps in our 3-sport test pattern, the remaining bang in your greenback is the Radeon R9 290, at simply $0.74 in line with frame and a mean sale charge of simply $78, it’s an fantastic good buy. Sadly maximum models did use the extraordinarily loud AMD reference design, but nevertheless for $78 you’d make do. For a very small rate growth, the RX 570 is a better buy and there have been loads more of them on offer. At $94 on average, that’s a little over $50 off a modern version which isn’t awful, a 37% bargain. We should additionally bounce lower back and point out the R9 Fury. Also wonderful fee at $130, however few went up on the market.

For ~67 to 88 fps range, the GTX 770, R9 285 and GTX 670 are standout options. Of the three, we would go for the GTX 770 every time.

For 50 to 60 fps, we might be looking for the Radeon HD 7870 or 270X as these were better in phrases of price in line with body and only a few bucks more average than the options. Below 50 fps you’ve got to be desperate. I mean, the HD 7870 and 270X bought on average for simply $fifty one, so there is no factor in going with whatever lower than that.

As a recap, under are the fashions we might be in search of...

For models that include numerous VRAM capacities, together with the RX 570, be aware of that and if the 8GB fashions in this situation are only slightly greater than the 4GB playing cards then recollect investing a bit more to get the more memory. At this factor we recommend heading off playing cards with best 2GB of VRAM.

From our observations, you've got an amazing hazard of having such a models for the average promoting price, if now not higher. Basically we eliminated something that usually provided a poor value in step with body ratio or offered less than 20 models last month. This ultimate selection narrows matters down to 3 of the pleasant GPU alternatives in the secondhand market additionally accounting for models that are extra effortlessly acquired at a reasonable price.

Only buy graphics cards from acknowledged manufacturers...

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  • Radeon HD 7870 on eBay
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