Today we’re sorting out the brand new-ish RX five70 590 and available for testing we have the XFX 570 4GB: 590 'Fatboy'. This is technically a new GPU, but form of now not new on the same time. What we've here is Polaris 20 XT at the 12nm FinFET process, and this small change interprets into slightly better clock speeds.

Read More : >There aren't any extra circulation processors, no fancy GDDR6 memory, or maybe GDDR5X memory for that depend. So in essence we're getting the identical RX 580 with a 15% overclock, at the least whilst evaluating the reference clock speeds. However when you consider that maximum entry-stage RX 580 fashions are clocked at 1380 to 1410 MHz, this offers the RX 590 a 10-12% clock frequency gain out of the container. Then there’s the higher-give up fashions just like the Gigabyte Aorus RX 580 XTR, which we use for testing, and that particular model comes clocked at 1425 MHz, decreasing the RX 590’s clock pace benefit to 8%.

It's crucial to clarify this context because for checking out we felt it would be deceptive to compare the RX 590 with a base version RX 580 the use of the AMD reference clocks. AMD has sullied this release via pricing the RX 590 at $280, that's a significantly top rate for this slightly overclocked RX 580. Meanwhile, the RX 580 comes a Boxt around $230 (MSRP), and right now can be found for as little as $200.

AMD claims as much as a 12% overall performance raise over a reference clocked RX 580, yet they think that means they can growth the MSRP by way of 22%, so this need to be exciting, or scary depending in your function.

For testing we are using the XFX 4GB: 2018 590 Fatboy and it will be in comparison to the Gigabyte Aorus RX 580 XTR and MSI GTX 580 1060 Gaming X+. We were not able to test the usual big battery of GPUs for this overview, so you'll note the absense of extra lower priced models consisting of the RX 570 and 3GB 1060 3GB, even though we blanketed as many consequences as we may want to. If you do not thoughts extrapolating but, preceding checks will give you plenty of straight GPU comparisons if that is what you want (RX 590 excluded of direction).

Our benchmarks were ran using a Core i7-8700K clocked at 5GHz and 32GB of Vengeance DDR4-3400 reminiscence. In overall we've got results for 21 games at resolutions, 1080p and 1440p but the commentary might be centered on 7 of the more lately launched titles.


First up we've got Battlefield V effects (don't pass over our recent RTX ray tracing check!) and right here the XFX 590 become 7% faster than the Aorus 580 XTR, taking the average body rate from eighty five fps to ninety one fps. This is the type of margin we had been watching for, although that distinction is reduced to simply 3% at 1440p. On the upside, the RX 590 became a complete 20% quicker than our 3GB card.

Strange Brigade results at 1080p have the RX 590 appearing 5% above the 580 and sixteen% quicker than the RX. At 1440p we see the identical five% margin, right here the 590 supplied an additional three fps over the Aorus RX 580 XTR, not precisely exciting stuff is it?

The Assassin’s Creed series has been a chunk brutal for AMD these days and Odyssey is no unique. Here the 580 and 590 are effortlessly beaten with the aid of the GTX 1060 at 1080p. We discover a comparable story at 1440p. The RX 590 was 7% slower than the GTX 1060 and just 6% quicker than the 580, which equates to 2 extra frames.

This is our first time benchmarking with Hitman 2... Shame it’s not a extra interesting event. Here the RX 590 provided a 5% overall performance bump over the 580 and that intended it was 11% faster than the 1060 at 1080p. Then at 1440p the margin between the 580 and 590 is decreased to simply 2fps, a 4% performance gain going the manner of the 590.

Another 5% overall performance advantage is seen in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, rendering sixty three fps on common against the 580’s 60 fps.

At 1440p we see just a unmarried frame benefit going to the 590, that stated it become 14% faster than the GTX 1060.

Operating Temps

Under load for an hour, the XFX GraphicsUpdate 590 Fatboy peaked at 79 stages which is cheap, however additionally starting to rise up there. The appropriate news is at this temperature it changed into especially silent as the fans were best spinning at as much as 1380 RPM.

Overclocking clearly decreased the temperature to seventy eight stages as the enthusiasts were now spinning at up to 1600 RPM and right here they might be heard over the case lovers. The running volume wasn’t unacceptably loud and surely not anything like a Vega reference cooled card.

Putting It All Together, Cost Per Frame

Coming in first location with the aid of a country mile is the Update 580. You can currently purchase 8GB fashions for $2 hundred that's a first-rate buy. Not that lengthy in the past gamers might have sacrificed a finger for a charge like that on a mid-range pics card.

The GTX 1060 is likewise down on the MSRP, though the 9Gbps models are likely going to value a bit extra. Honestly they're a gimmick for the maximum component, we by no means saw tons of a performance uplift over the usual fashions. In any case, the RX 580 fees 20% much less consistent with body so it's the obvious value desire. The RX 590 is far much less appealing at $280, popping out at a value of $4 in line with body or 32% extra steeply-priced on a fee in step with frame basis. Instead we'd as an alternative spend $100 extra and get a GTX 1070 or the 1070 Ti.

Performance-sensible the Radeon RX 590 turned into always going to be unexciting -- a mildly overclocked RX 580 is best going to take you up to now -- however pricing is what’s killed this presenting. We're just hoping this is a situation wherein AMD introduce it at $280 then awl pricing down to a $250 road rate before the yr is over. At $250 it suits the GTX 1060 whilst imparting advanced performance. Given AMD's current position in the GPU market they need to provide compelling options and that's what a $250 RX 590 would be.

The RX 590 might devour more strength and whilst not perfect, it makes up for that with a healthful surroundings of low-priced FreeSync video display units and an extra 2GB of VRAM. But as a mid-variety price presenting, its biggest hassle is having to be bought along a $two hundred RX 580. And the most important hassle the RX 580 faces is the $150 RX 570, so it seems AMD is AMDying themselves...

Bottom line, the RX 590 is not a bad product, it's simply got the incorrect price sticker. If you are in the market for a new snap shots card these vacations, there are lots of GPUs on provide at appealing expenses that's a welcome change from wherein we were a yr in the past.